NDIS Support Coordination is a service provided under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia. Support Coordination helps individuals with disabilities navigate the NDIS and coordinate their supports and services. Support Coordination is designed to help individuals with disabilities achieve their goals and live as independently as possible.

NDIS Support Coordination is an important service that helps individuals with disabilities navigate the NDIS and coordinate their supports and services. It ensures that individuals receive the services and supports they need to achieve their goals and live as independently as possible.

The role of a Support Coordinator is to work with the individual, their family and carers, and service providers to identify the services and supports required, develop and implement a plan to achieve their goals, and monitor progress towards those goals.

Some of the tasks that a Support Coordinator may undertake include:

  1. Developing a Support Plan: A Support Coordinator will work with the individual to develop a Support Plan that outlines the services and supports required to achieve their goals. The plan is based on the individual’s needs and preferences, and takes into account any existing services and supports.
  2. Identifying Service Providers: A Support Coordinator can help identify and select service providers that are suitable for the individual’s needs and preferences. This can include providers of personal care, transport, accommodation, and other disability services.
  3. Coordinating Services: A Support Coordinator will coordinate the services and supports identified in the Support Plan, ensuring that they are delivered as required and that the individual’s goals are being met.
  4. Monitoring Progress: A Support Coordinator will monitor the individual’s progress towards their goals, making adjustments to the Support Plan as necessary. They will also ensure that the individual is receiving the services and supports required and that they are of a high quality.
  5. Providing Information and Support: A Support Coordinator will provide the individual with information and support to help them understand the NDIS and their rights and responsibilities. They will also provide support in accessing other community services and supports.